Monday, September 27, 2010

The Long Distance Run

Sossusvlei, Namibia, photo by Karl Debus (2010)

But it is akin to a desert mirage, she said,
Nonattainable and nonexistent,
and only those deluded by their senses
betrayed by body weak from lack of sustenance,
strive to reach such am imaginary place.

You can feel the sand between toes
born into pores by wind
Stuck between teeth
The dunes are beautiful in the calm
as if Zen Monks with their rakes
recently passed by, and why not? she asked
Given the journeys made by such men
And who invented the camel, anyway?

I'd be happy with a Land Rover, and a map,
and a cooler filled with Arrowhead,
and frozen Milky Ways, which makes her laugh,
because in truth the stars are frozen things
burning frozen things, and she likes a good paradox
just as she likes nonsense and pinot noir.

I haven't been anywhere.
You can list names, and landmarks like
Joanie on the Pony or Michigan at Jackson,
but that all depends upon space time
Not to mention plate techtonics and whether
they ever cancel the damned real housewives
No I did not pass go and collect two hundred dollars
And no one has pinned an Olympic Medal on me
Everyone is on youtube it's worse than asexual reproduction
which naturally makes her laugh
as anything to do with sex does, and what doesn't?

I count two accomplishments
And each of them came directly from the act of sex.
Can God be found amidst the cunt and the cock?
I have proven it to be the only sustainable truth
But she is no longer interested
Instead she texts a girlfriend
While I fret about the inverse square law
What time the sun sets and what kind of a Universe
requires so many dung beetles.


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