Friday, September 24, 2010

The Fall of the House of Escher

MC Escher, Relativity (1953)

I know what it's like
to climb up the steps
yet still find myself
at the beginning
two years later.
The journey was
something, yes.
Memorable, an adventure,
sometimes audacious, sometimes
a warm breeze in your eyes
or cool river's kiss.
And yet I ended up no place,
Or rather, discovered no growth,
No permanent connection or change,
As if it were a dream
an illusion
and I a ghost
who made no difference
and left untouched.
I look into a mirror
and count more gray hairs
and a few new lines
besides my blue eyes
Sometimes I see fish
othertimes I see birds
Which is the truth
and which is the lie?
They are all just lines
I've heard a lot of those
Like thread on spools
in the old sewing kit
Now tangled so
I can no longer discern
where red begins
and green goes
Does black ever have an end?
There is no beginning
big bang is a myth
No end, no second coming,
or judgment day.
And this Now
This forevermore
I am in
leads me forward back
to the start.
Yet no one is there
to hand me my two hundred dollars.
Is everything the same
and only I changed?
Or am I the single constant
in a world of reversed poles?
I have climbed the steps
I have reached the pinnacle
Only to discover
what was up was down.

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