Thursday, October 28, 2010

Last Elevator Ride

In a blink
she went
from human form
beating heart
and the warmth
between her
too plump thighs
To a blip
predictably followed
by another and another

Where is my mind?
Tripped up by the wire
You cannot capture
a soul upon the readout
from an electrocardiograph
White curtains held
by a dozen silver rings
another blip how many now?
A marionette cut free
We remain backstage

After it was all done
The code team finished
the nurses all gone
A flaccid technician
flipped the machine

Look around the silent room
Is there still a whiff
from her last exhale
hidden amongst the odor
of rubbing alcohol
and catheter urine
that perhaps can be captured
and placed in a storage jar?

There’s still this body
laying there before my eyes
Orthopedic shoes
squeak in the hallway
Hurry up! Hurry up!
so they can dispose of it
elsewhere away and forget it
with the pathologist
Waiting to cut
Looking for what
Whose body is that?

Black and bile
disease triumphant
cries of agony
and tears untamed
Death shows itself
like a cheap whore
to the living
Only . . .

Only she wasn’t there
not in the body
filled with embalming fluid
not in the shorn flesh
cut by a doctor’s scalpel
samples shoved upon a slide
not on the gurney wheeled into
the last elevator ride
not hooked to a silent machine
the moment I head the first blip.
Substance remained,
and was buried in the earth
But where exactly did she go
and why didn’t anyone notice?

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