Sunday, December 26, 2010

December 26th

I squint now
at the blinking lights
Green and red
Discarded ribbon
in the gutter
A single day later
And the world
has changed

They cannot
yank these things down fast enough.
These memories of hope
That cling like cobwebs
And spring cleaning
is so far off.

In a week
we shall drown the last memories
Of all which has not passed
In a debauchery
Pushing out tradition
For the favored new
Clean slate
Try again.

Youth is so much more coveted
then haggard traditions
Madison Avenue was right
To replace Jesus with Santa Claus
who understands we prefer presents
to forgiveness.

Despite having no resolutions
Save to leave Christmas
to the hucksters;
I fear next year
being snared once again
And I will be caught up in the tinsel
and dizzied by the bells
Tripping over my own
into the mall
of consumption.

Twenty-four hours later
And the scent of cynicism rises
from the streets
And I pass in
through the revolving door
to exchange the unwanted
And though I find no counter
for compassion or mercy
These leather purses
are exceptionally fine.

Monday, December 20, 2010

A Letter to Death

Angel of Death by Evelyn De Morgan (1890)

They say opposites attract,
And being true, there is no other
To whom I belong more,
My most patient lover,
Who waits in silence
Who waits in the dark.

I know what it is to be trapped,
Inside myself unwanting
To crawl out of bed,
Unable to open the window;
I know what it is to taste
The seeds of passion,
And travel deep
Beyond familiar terrain,
Venturing into the unexplored
Territories of ecstasy;
Like an ancient quest for peyote,
Pleasures of the body
Drugging my mind.

We are so quick
To slap on labels,
The pharmaceutical companies
Have seen to that;
For everything we live
Is but a disease,
A syndrome, a psychosis;
We are not to blame
For the ravages of body and mind
For our choices and our acts;
Surely we must be fixed
For our reactions are anything,
But natural, human, and honest.

Children rush,
When the ride is over
Pushing to the front of the line,
Boarding the rollercoaster yet again,
The slow climb upward as if to Heaven,
Then plunging down at breathtaking speed,
All screams and giggles with each twist and turn,
The rush of the wind, the force that pulls.

Manic, bipolar, paranoid, depressed,
Within accepted parameters of behavior,
Robotic-like in their cars,
Paralysed in traffic
The same time

Every day


So I taste this thing called life,
Sometimes sweet and sometimes bitter,
I swallow it nonetheless,
And hunger for more,
Devouring it like the lioness
Victorious in her hunt;
And for this I glory,
For this I suffer.

I know that opposites attract,
And one day you will come for me,
Releasing me as never before,
And I will welcome your attentions,
Willingly I will surrender to you,
After all, finally, I belong to you;
But what you take away,
Cannot be what you desire,
For you are attracted just as much,
To how my hair catches the sunlight,
and is messed by the wind,
By how I laugh, and scream,
You yearn to ride the rollercoaster
To ride beside me, just once;
But that ride is only for me,
As my death is only for you.

Ode to a Balloon

You are red.
Satisfyingly full,
So plump and round.
Yet effortlessly,
You dance with the winds
Though bound by my grasp.

You are joy.
Like a beacon
Signaling to all:
"Here! Here is happiness!"
Bouncing and bobbing,
Celebration cries out;
And the children,
Laughing, squealing,
upon their first sight.

So social a creature;
You delight,
In the company of your own.
Like a pack of animals,
Whatever the hue,
Be it green or blue,
Tangling together
Through and through,
In intimate play,
To part and separate you
Seems selfishly cruel.

 Slender is the string
 That binds you to me.
 My captive,
 You are loyal to none.
 A flighty creature,
 Willful, ready to fly off,
At first opportunity,
 With no thought for me.
To abandon me,
And for what?
For uncertainty.
Always you take risks,
In search of freedom.
Light as air
Floating, drifting,
Up and upwards still,
Away, way far
And farther still.
Just a speck now,
You might as well
Be a crow,
Or a puff of smoke.

I imagine you still,
From place to place,
Here, now there,
At the slightest whim.
Whimsically flouting
Your newly found power,
Capriciously toying
With the limitlessness sky.
And so innocently

Two, ten, twenty, or more?
Trees. Branches. Reaching for you.
They watch and wait,
As if with tentacles,
To entangle, to trap.
Or those wires.
Carrying light,
Carrying voices,
So eager to snare you
So ready to possess you.

And if not imprisoned?
Slowly suffocating,
Leaking your last breath?
Violently violated,
Pierced, penetrated,
The final, awful
As you are ripped apart,
Torn from your very self.

My mind aches.
Perhaps 'tis best,
This freedom of yours.
This one chance
To live fully.
To sail,
Among puffy
cotton pink clouds.

And yet you remain
A slave, if only of
The temperamental winds,
Who, blowing fiercely
Ever pushing you
Towards your fate,
Even as you celebrate
Your own perfect nature.

Saturday, December 18, 2010


Sometimes I feel like a shell
Rejected by the ocean
And abandoned on a hostile shore.

You admire the cool curves
And soft colors of my features;
Failing to notice I am hollow inside;
A carcass tossed in the sand.

Wanting to possess me,
You put me in your pocket
And carry me to your home;
Then place me on a shelf
With other’s you’ve collected.

Admiring me, like a trophy,
Comparing me to all the rest.
But all you have is the shell
Of what I really once was.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Two Lions

Two Lions
Fear and
through the gate
And into this garden
How are we to be alive
Yet remain detached?

Bees cannot control
their endless quest
for the pollen
Do they notice
the complexity of the rose
the scent of the gardenia
Or the burst of orange
from the poppy?

Children rush and tug
Push to be first on the train
Demand coins for balloons
Coins for cookies
Coins to toss in the turtle pond.

Same garden, another day
Rainfall washes the sky
My body draws the rhythm inside
And I am grateful for the drink of life
There is nothing wrong
with the gray sky
the cold wind
Or the mud.

Drink green tea
Underneath the awning
Of the little Japanese hut
The brew warms and is delightful
upon the tongue.
I do not require
time to pass
too quickly here
For there is much
that fills me
In this moment where
Fear and Desire
Do not exist.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Without Logic

Indian Ma, oil painting 1992,
artist information at

The logic of babies is lost upon man,
Who never had one grow in his belly,
Who was never ripped apart to bring her to this world,
Nor bared a breast to supply her with life.

What is more natural than to cry out,
when your belly aches for food?
To send out a call when the warmth goes away,
When you are left in the dark without touch?

It’s man who lives illogically,
He sits in the excrement of his words,
Caked upon the cavernous floors of
Backstabbing power and blood-stained wealth.

In a few short years she has learned to wiggle and walk,
To giggle and talk making men gush with delight.
Whatever she needs, they do with a smile,
Whatever she does, they lavish their praise.

Who is without the logic indeed?
If only they made diapers
For the bullshit born of men.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Reflections on the Cross

He suffered and died on the cross
They say it was for me.
They say he is the way of salvation
The promise of eternal life.

I played the drum at the ball court;
I cried as Vikings torched my village;
With rifle in hand I slipped through the quiet forest;
And lit my cigarette, late one night,
Walking, again, through the city's dank streets;
This time I nursed a babe;

Next time I'll pilot a plane.

My suffering I do alone
Though sometimes
I delude myself
Believing there is someone

who watches, who knows,
Exactly the way I do.

Today the roses spoke to me,
Pinks and reds,
and yellows and white,
Like a lover, caressing my senses.

Paradoxes, placed
Upon the cross of sacrifice
These blooms are the anti-thesis,
They are a burst – a rocketblast of life
Egotistical and demanding,
even as they delight,
Destined to decay,
Destined to be no more,
Destined, just like me.

Another rose will grow,
this season and the next.
For years to come,
For centuries,
And that’s not enough for me.

I’ll spin around
On this merry-go-round
For many more a ride
I want to be dizzy
And laugh
And get sick.
I want to bleed
And taste of the wine
And know what it is
to burn in the flame
I long for the heat
Of my lover again.
No, I am not yet ready,
Not ready to be saved.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

The Girl Who Played With Fire

Well, I drove the old pickup on over to Ford County,
On account of the girl who played with fire;
Stood there watching from under the dome
Of that crazy church they call the Alter of Eden.

That blaze was too big to fail,
the whole damn town was going rouge;
and I, Alex Cross, felt pretty fired up
at the sizzle and the smoke and the smolder.

Saw one of the firefighters arguing with idiots,
Who wouldn't move the Imperial Cruiser off the road;
All the while the joint smelled like someone had mastered
The art of french cooking -- if the french cooked roadkill
Buried deep in kimchee and deadman, and then dug up again.

I never did know what the dog saw
That caused him to run off like a pilgrim finding the lost symbol.
"Have a little faith," was what Janet Outliers whispered in my ear;
But I was off, after the dog, passing the unnoticed boys
Who lurked in the shadows, throwing stones into schools.

What is our true compass?

My happiness project has failed, there is no 4-hour work week.
Were I someone else, were I, sniper, a killer with a stone for a heart,
Who cared for nothing, not even about the honor of spies;
I could fire the last song into the crowd, and care not, like the girl,
Like the girl who played with fire.

But I am like you,
And U is for undertow,
Even as we all sink slowly down;
Drowning so slowly in pirate latitudes,
We barely notice
When our breath at last fails.

Note: I wrote this poem from a prompt using best seller titles.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Skunk Train

The Skunk Train travels from Fort Bragg to Willits, CA

We two
Chug along through
Greens, golds, browns – a woodsy hue.
Redwoods tall – a glorious view.
Choo Choo!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Outrage Poem #2

The Scream as Warhol
by J Wochholz (c) 2010

On the wintergreen pink
Cherry coke wall
Hung the Warhol of her
Carnival mirror face
Boarded in black
The orange block lettering
Like a rap a tap on Halloween
Come calling with a Gatling gun
Firing her coffin nails
You’d fare better
Sitting in a pile of warm dog shit
With a knife shoved in your neck
Than exposing yourself
To what he calls love


Swirls of darkess
trickle like mercury
purple black
becomes blue
that flows like a river
dusted with starlight
towards the creeping dawn
I heard it first
my morning song
its breathe was here
before my mind discovered it
Take flight with the birds
to clouds pink golden blond
Where shimmering glass
castles watch over
green pastures of sheep
while mythical folk play
tricks on the innocents
A thunderous clap
and showers burst forth
I search for my lover
and find him waiting
beneath a cypress tree
with mangoes red wine chocolates
and warm melting kisses
from his generous mouth
Sink into the cool earth
and our limbs like the vines
and roots that take hold
of the fury of living
And this, this
is only my Monday

Monday, December 6, 2010


Pencil & Crossword by Darren Maurer (c) 2008
(#211 of painting a day series)

Blank spaces
Filled with nothingness.
I am surrounded by words.
Across or down;
I find no way out,
Of this two dimensional dementia.

I’m gridlocked,
In the crossroads of the crosswords.
Lost in Times Square,
Or the Times’ squares?
I’ve no time to squander
With squabbly squares,
That keep surroundingly
Spinning around in my mind.

Some sinister squibbler,
Is playing mind games.
Some pedantic semanticist;
Who serves blackened vagary,
With white rice and strained puns
For dinner;
A fanatic
Who's frantic
I make order
From his antics.

I imagine him,
There in his parlour,
With the checkerboard floor;
Antiquated references
Lining the walls’ shelves.
Deep within he works
Weaving his web;
Out of the gray matter,
He’s forgotten to dust.

Sunday, December 5, 2010


In a photograph I took of her
Kalisa stands in the late afternoon sun
Hunched over in the doorway
Of her beat up cottage
Overlooking Cannery Row.

I don’t have a photograph
Of the night thirty years ago
Hours after the jazz festival
had finished for that day,
Of Dizzy, and Percy, and a hundred others
Hanging out at Kalisa’s.

And there never was a photograph
Of Kalisa as a girl
Laying covered up by water
In a fountain on the streets of Dresden
As the bombs were dropped
And the city and its inhabitants burned.

Kalisa has photographs, though,
All over her walls:
Of Steinbeck and Doc Ricketts,
Of exotic belly dancers,
And a beautiful one of herself:
reposed in a chair, glancing away.
For some people’s lives are like that,
Some people like Kalisa.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

The Meaning of Life

'Angels Dancing Before the Sun' by Giovanni di Paolo di Grazia

After I realized I was happy
For no particular reason
No lottery had I won
No screenplay had I sold
Just the planets of my life
Aligned in symbiotic symmetry
The needs of the body
The needs of the soul
The needs of a creative mind
Revolved in a harmonious dance
That I had at last learned.

A call at the end of the day
And the laugh I had shared
With my angel
Would never
Be heard again.

Zen masters forgot to read
Newton’s laws of thermodynamics
As much as they strive to be bodies at rest
Their essence is not absolute zero
But heat, throbbing, alive
Forever moving towards chaos
How many angels are balanced
Upon the head of that pin?
None, I tell you,
For I once stood there,
For one nanosecond
And witnessed their scramble
To remain stable and sure
In this tilted universe
Without center
Without edges
Without within
Nor inside out.

After I found
The meaning of life
I discovered
God had asked
A trick question.

Friday, December 3, 2010


Chartres Cathedral Rose Window

And you
like a stained glass window
through which the light shines
At the memorial service
They play Bach on the piano
And I am transported into my childhood bed
where I lay early one Sunday morn
Downstairs my mother’s fingers dance
Jesu Joy of Man’s Desiring
Almost three hundred years ago
Melodic Mathematics
expressing his love of God
Who died upon a cross
seventeen hundred years earlier
Dusty dry backwaters of an Empire
Fishermen and a carpenter
the wood from which
my rocking chair was carved
I sat in the dark
and nursed my babe
Sublime suckling
Her art hanging on the wall
Where she taped it today
Tonight the glow
of a distant star
at last reaches my eye
after eighty thousand years
All things are woven together
And the circle is whole

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives by Frederic Church (1870)

Eyes always sighted
The blind wonders how
it is to be achieved
walking into walls
and holes that evil doers
move about with malice and glee
Stay still! Shout the wise ones
Listen to the drip from the bamboo
water pipe or the breeze
as it strikes
the bluish flowers
But I think instead
of the hummingbird
trapped inside my garage
panic stricken he flew upwards
Though escape lay downward
He found the light at last
just before twilight ceased
and took nourishment from
the orange blossoms
discovered waiting
just beyond his prison.
Where is my nourishment?
I wonder as I seek my escape
in the wrong direction
as night begins to fall.

Listening, no one replies.